Web Candy Blogs

3-tips-for-creating-content-writing3 Things You Can Write About This Month

Creating new and relevant content for your site on a consistent basis is a sure-fire way to keep your audience engaged and at the same time get the search engines to look at your website favorably. The link juice that flows when you create a post that goes viral is tremendous for helping your site move up the ranks in the search engine results.

But, I also fully understand that finding what to write about is one of the most challenging parts of creating content. So – in an effort to help you get into writing mode, I’ve drawn up a list of suggestions that might help inspire you to write your next piece:

Share what you know

You probably wouldn’t be in business or have a blog if you didn’t know a thing or two about your industry or niche. Write about what you know and share that knowledge with others. By doing so, it shows your audience that you value your own expertise in the matter and correspondingly makes them see you as a go-to resource for that industry specific information.

Answer Questions

If you find yourself constantly answering the same questions from your customers or friends, it’s probably because they recognize that you know what you’re talking about. So why not preemptively answer the questions for others in the future by writing it down and making that your next piece of content.

Tips, Tricks and Tutorials

People absolutely love hacks that make their lives easier. Share the tricks of your trade, the tips you’ve accumulated from your teachers and write tutorials for your audience that let them learn about what you know. Remember to keep the language simple and not get too industry wordy so that your audience understands what you’re saying.

And finally, just write. Write profusely, then edit, edit, edit. The hardest part is usually at the very beginning but it really is just a matter of doing. So get to it and happy writing folks.  

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