Web Candy News


Our long-time existing client, Pump Trac figured it was time to update their site. It's been 10 Years! And of course, we were pumped to get started.

 We upgraded their site and added some new metallic colours to make it look sleek and new! Helped them improve their content by condensing and implementing keyword improvements to help with their SEO. We installed the latest CMS and security components as well as optimized the site to be more user-friendly on all platforms, mobile, desktop and tablets! With the beautiful photos and videos the client provided, we have added them to the homepage and header to make the site more captivating! We changed up how their products were displayed, from lists to tiles, and it definitely looks a lot more organized!

Pump Trac Ltd. was founded in 2009 in Calgary, Alberta, in a single condo bay at the city's south end. We are a family-run business, and through hard work and determination, they have grown the team and have expanded to a new location just east of Calgary. They have been serving and supporting all major industries with quality pumps and parts for over a decade

Check out the new website here: www.pumptrac.com



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