Web Candy Blogs

On-Page SEO Made Simple

If you’re reading this chances are you’ve probably been scoping the web out for some useful SEO tips. You’ve read about keywords, title tags, filling in ALT image attributes and the like.

The thing is, sometimes you just want to see what it is people are referring to. The folks at Backlinko.com have created a very useful infographic that visually displays what is meant when someone suggests you link internally or externally. They show you where it is your <h1> tags are and how to use them in a wonderfully visual way that takes the guesswork out of finding where to find these key items in your own CMS and articles.

Peruse their tips and get to work on optimizing your own website and webpages for search engines. The benefits of SEO are endless and here is an On-Page SEO guide that makes things simple to understand because you can actually see what exactly they are referring to:  

SPerfect On-Page SEO 

Domain Name Search