Web Candy News

We're Over the Moon With This Site

wildy-enterprises-2021One of the most unique companies that we worked on, it is out of this world! 

The team helped Wildy Enterprises with a full branding refresh, including logo refinement. We helped revise all of their copy and content based on the best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices. For their "About Us" page our talented developers created a custom timeline for their company. Visually a very stunning site, we focused on their unique skill-set of remote engineering and remote locations.

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I Think We Felt a Connection To This Site

calgary-executives-2021We took this site to an executive-level! 

The Blue Ocean team worked together with BluBrown; we took their design templates and brought them to life. We helped revamp and clean up the copy on their site. 

Our highly experienced team improved the functionality of Calgary Executive's site and integrated a "member spotlight" section.

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Gallo Lab's Website Will Blow Your Mind!

gallolab-2021We won't brainwash you into loving the site, but look for yourself! It's mind-blowing how awesome it is!

Our very talented team did a whole website refresh on this amazing company. We added in a custom video slider with particle effects, click around and see the explosions. We've had a little too much fun clicking. 

We made the website more user-friendly, gave it a brighter interface with lots of visuals and added a search function for their publications. We connected their Twitter feed and donations for their amazing work on brain cancer. The team had a great time working with graphics, provided by the client, to renew this website. 

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We're Full of Crop!

bluebook-2021Did we make you do a double-take? Because that's what you'll do to Alberta Blue Book's new app! 

The Blue Ocean team handles updating Blue book's app every 4 years, a full update of over 600 items. The project is funded by the Government of Alberta, Agri-Canada and by the Association of Alberta Agriculture Fieldmen (AAAF). We created this app to help farmers find everything in one location. This app pulls from a large website database. 

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The Site! The Site! The Site Is on Fireeeeeee!

firemaster-2021We don't need no water let that mother😶 burn! Not sure if we agree with Rock Master Scott & the Dynamic Three, but this site the Blue Ocean team did for Firemaster is HOT!

We provided them with a whole new branding and logo update. The team redid the website to make it look more modern, with lots of visuals and much easier to navigate around the website. The site utilizes an interesting visual dropdown menu with images of the services and a new "Request a quote" form. We've updated the site with the latest content management systems (CMS) and security. Browse around on all platforms, the Blue Ocean team has ensured the website is user-friendly on mobile and desktop.

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In Case You Missed It, Crash Cases Has a New Site!

crash-cases-canada-2021Crash Cases chose us for their web development services, and by the looks of their website they chose right. I rest my CASE!

The Blue Ocean team greatly updated the look and feel of Crash Case's old website to something more modern. We switched them over from their Shopify account to our own custom e-commerce component. This saves them the never-ending monthly cost of Shopify. The team updated all their products and marketing campaigns as well. Moving forward we will be providing them all the support they require as they are now using our premium hosting services.

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